Best commercial BPCL cylinders for hotels, restaurants & Industries
Guaranteed quality & uninterrupted supply


Exclusive Distributor for BPCL commercial LPG Cylinders for –
1. Hotel Industries
2. All Commercial Establishments
3. Marriage Function Halls
4. Catering Centers

Almost nil residue, lower space requirement compared to bulk installations, Lower installation costs compared to bulk installations, Compact installation means lower cylinder handling compared to VOT installations, High Safety Standards: Every Bharatgas LOT.
Specialized project handlers of LOT (Liquid off take system) for bulk LPG consumers like
1. Five/Sever Star Hotels
2. Industrial sector

Advantages of Bharat Metal Cutting Gas are:
Superior cutting at low cost (better cutting speed, kerf formation and surface finish)
Low oxygen consumption, Reduces cylinder inventory by at least three times compared to Oxy Acetylene, Low slag formation, BMCG can easily cut 12 inch (300 mm) thick metal and even more. Has a lower explosive limit in air and oxygen than Acetylene. Hence has lower band of inflammability than Acetylene,
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